Tuesday, May 10, 2011

challenging the diet

its been more than a year since i started putting my daughter on gfcf diet. i can't deny the improvements i have seen especially when it's coupled with all the supplements she's taking. last month i started to challenge it. i started giving her more food that she was not suppose to eat like cheese and bread. i'm afraid that she might regress so i still give her Trienza before she eat. i didn't notice any changes in terms of behavior. she is still hyperactive but i guess it's because we started giving her mb12 again after stopping it for 1 month. her imitation skill is still ok. i guess the only thing that changed is she started to repeatedly open and close cabinet doors. there's also a very minimal hand flapping when scolded.i have informed my DAN about it and she didn't agree on stopping the diet. i have given a few excuses not to continue with the diet, still it's a no no to her. to be honest, it is really not easy for me not to give her food that she wanted to eat. she is not gaining any weight at all. for the past 7 months she is still 13.5 kg! even if she eats more, still her weight remains unchanged.
this coming june my daughter will be mainstreamed toddler class. this means that she will be eating with 6 kids and none of them are on diet. of course, those kids' meal are more appealing compared to her food coz they are wrapped in those glossy plastic and hers is from the tupperware =(. although i have been baking delicious cookies, brownies and cupcakes for her (i know they're delicious as my younger brother have tried it,hehehe!!), i can see in her eyes that she wanted to try those fudgee bars, yakult, stick-o and zesto that the other kids are having. this is my dilemma. we cant continue with gfcf 100%. well, i'll just see what happens in the future..

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