Tuesday, July 5, 2011

being in an inclusion program

when the school principal informed me that my daughter will be in an inclusion program, i was thrilled. i have been wanting her to be in a group of typical kids because one of the skills my daughter lacks is social. i remember when my daughter was having a one on one session with her speech therapist then suddenly 2 boys came in and took some toys from the room. my daughter started screaming and throwing the pegs on the table. she doesn't know how to behave when there are kids around invading her small little world. 
it's almost a month now since the first day of toddler class. there were 5 kids in the class. 2 kids were special. 1 is my daughter and the other 1 has GDD. on thursdays and fridays 1 cute kid with DS join their group for an hour. everyday the school will provide snacks for them and they will eat together. sometimes i will hear my daughter screaming during snack time. when i ask her teacher what happened she said its because she is teaching her to eat the food given to her and not to grab her classmate's food and sometimes she gets so excited when the food is served and don't want to wait for the teacher. when she's asked to sit and wait then she will try to manipulate her teacher by crying. of course the teacher will not give in that's why there were quite few times when my daughter was dismissed late because she ate late. after eating, they will go to the toilet to brush their teeth and wash their hands. 
now i can say that my daughter can tolerate being with kids in a room. one time, i ask her to hold her classmate's hand and go inside the room. she did it. now she don't mind being too close with other kids and i think she is happier being with them than having an one on one class.

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